Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sad Panda

Don't ask about the title. Or the picture. Who knows where it came from. Ian maybe? I think he says sad panda a lot. Anyways, if ever anyone was a sad panda, it's me. Since my job has required me to work over break, I am forced to stay in Bellingham. I mean, it's not the end of the world, there are people here. And I'm making money. But my BEST friends aren't here. And my family isn't here. And my Renton/Seattle friends aren't here. And I'm living by myself. And I am NOT a loner. I am not one of those people who enjoys personal time. Screw personal time. I want people time. I like being with people, pretty much all the time. So it's gonna be a long week.

So what am I going to do with all this time? Well I brought back my guitar so I can actually learn it. My macbook has guitar lessons that I can download for free! So I'm going to teach myself how to do that. Tomorrow I'm teaching a lifeguarding class. I also might learn a choreographed dance. Zachary Levi posted it on Twitter and challenged his nerds to learn it before the new year. So I might do that. Who knows. I'm also re-watching the first season of Chuck because 1) I don't remember any of it since I watched it... 4 years ago maybe? and 2) because I'm already having Zac Levi withdrawals. Nobody believes me, but I'm going to marry him. People don't exist like him, he's the only one.

I'll also hang out with the few people that are here. Erik, Tiffany, Selena, Angela... I'm not sure who else is here. But I'll be ok. My biggest problem is that I don't like living by myself. I miss my roomies :(

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