Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pump up the Bass

Wait, that's not what I meant. What I meant to say was, FREAKING TURN OFF YOUR MUSIC. Really neighbors, really? Our neighbors throw the loudest parties. And, for those of you that know Ben, I'm not talking about Ben's apartment. Their parties are pretty quiet. It's the neighbors on the other side of us. I swear to God their stereo is right on the other side of my wall. I mean, I can literally hear every word of every song. I can even hear the drunken girls singing poorly. And on a normal weekend I wouldn't care. I mean we throw parties too. But it's FINALS WEEK. The weekend connecting DEAD WEEK to FINALS WEEK. Some of us have to study. Granted I'm not studying now. But I'll be studying in the morning. And I want to wake up early to do that. And I can't sleep because of the freaking Backstreet Boys playing loud enough to raise the dead. ARRGGGHHHHHHHH!

On another note, I've decided that Chuck has redeemed himself. The last two episodes of Chuck were PERFECT :) It was a rough start to the season, but it was all worth it. Completely and totally. And while I'd like to go to bed, I might just watch another Chuck because it's better than trying to fall asleep with the elephants next door. And of course I can't get enough of Zachary Levi. Don't worry Zac, we will be together one day. God those girls are bad at singing. And they have no idea what the words are to One Week by the Barenaked Ladies.

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