It's been quite an interesting weekend. On Friday my roomies and I went to my friend Amber's birthday party. We played drunk Jenga which is pretty much the most awesome game ever. We bought it and we wrote something on both sides of each block. One side tells you to drink a certain amount and the other side gives you a dare. It's my new obsession. On Saturday we recovered and I got to see my friend Lauren who came up to visit! She's thinking about going to Western so I showed her around campus. Today I woke up to someone banging on the wall. I thought that it was someone hammering a nail into the wall so I thought nothing of it. Turns out, it was Kelsey. She had gotten locked into the laundry room and was banging for help. Also, the night before someone had walked into our neighbors apartment with blood all over their face and hands. I'm pretty sure that person (or someone associated with that person) tried to kick down the laundry room door that night. Because the reason Kelsey got locked in was because someone tried to break in a broke the deadbolt. Scary stuff. Tonight I had to save a kid at the lovely Arne Hanna Aquatic Center. My 3rd save in my lifeguard history. Pretty exciting
stuff. Then tonight we played animal ball! My favorite part of the week :) I have started a club at Western called Just Add Water and all we do is play animal ball every Sunday. If

you don't know what animal ball is, it's a form of water polo... only more vicious. There are no rules except don't kill anyone and try not to draw blood. We are beasts, but it's SO MUCH FUN. I love it. I've got bruises up and down my arms from people grabbing my arms. I actually accidentally did draw blood tonight. I scratched Michail down his back twice, but I didn't mean to. I also got elbowed in the neck and on the collarbone and got kicked in the stomach. Dominic did something to Meagan's head because she has a huge bump there. But we all enjoy it. It's the one time I'm violent haha. Because I am not a violent person, but I'm pretty vicious when we play animal ball.
On another note, don't you hate it when you can't figure out if you like someone? I mean say there's this guy and you like spending time with him but he's kind of quiet so it's hard to have a good conversation with him. But you've seen him be social and like him when he is talking to you and he's got this smile that just makes life better :) But there are a couple little things that bother you about him, but if you really liked him they wouldn't be that big of a deal. But you can't decide whether you really like him or not. So the little things seem a little more important. UGH. I mean you try to spend more time with them right? Eventually your feelings will work themselves out. But it makes me angry. I hate doing things that way. I like to KNOW and have a plan. And while I'm being dumb and figuring things out, I'm afraid I'm leading him on. But then again I have NO idea what he feels. It's so stupid.
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