*spoiler alert*
In case you don't watch Fringe, Peter and Olivia are meant to be together (don't you just love Joshua Jackson). In the last episode they were about to kiss (which is huge because they are both so secretive about their feelings) when Olivia all of a sudden figured out how to save the world and ran off. PSSHHH. The world could have waited for 10 more seconds. And then they went on a date, which is good progress, but I'm afraid the writers are just going to ignore the date. Because see Peter's dad stole Peter from another reality and Olivia has recently gained the ability to distinguish items/people that have come from another reality. So right before their date Olivia notices that Peter is slightly shimmering and she knows that he comes from another reality. Peter doesn't know though and Walter doesn't want him to know. So Olivia is gonna freak out and do her thing and forget about Peter and Peter is gonna be so sad. :( So they better end up together. Soon. Or else I might revolt.
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