I hate April Fool's. I think it is the stupidest holiday ever created. It's just an excuse for everyone to play mean jokes on each other. And they aren't usually funny. Except to the person who is playing the joke. When I was younger my Dad convinced me that his band was going to play at Bruce Willis' birthday party. This year, my sister put herself in a relationship via facebook. In my defense, I totally thought it was an April Fool's joke and told her so. But because she didn't want to give the joke away she told me it wasn't. Which legitimately made me sad. Not because I don't want her to have a boyfriend, because of course I do, but because she didn't tell me beforehand. I'm close with both my sisters and I tell them everything. So the fact that she was going to start dating someone without hinting anything to me made me really sad. And I'm terrible at making my own April Fool's jokes. I can't lie. and I can't come up with good April Fool's jokes.
Fringe was SOOOOOO good! *Spoiler alert* It explained why Walter took Peter from an alternate reality and answered so many questions. However, in the sneak peak for next week (ha that rhymes) there is a scene where Peter says to Olivia, "I like this little family unit we have and I don't want to ruin it." Well EFF you Peter! Unless they are trying to trick us, this puts them back at square one and makes me really sad. They can't just PLAY WITH MY EMOTIONS LIKE THAT! UGH. So we'll see what happens next week.
I need to talk to two people tomorrow. Actually I need to talk to one and schedule a meeting with another. I need to talk to Casey Hayden who helps out with AS Clubs at Western. I have my own Animal Ball club (which I will probably talk more about later) and I want to change the time. Right now we meet at 9 on Sunday nights, but that's pretty late for some people. So I want to switch it to 7. I need to schedule a meeting with Kathy so I can arrange an internship for this summer since I didn't get the Mariner's internship. I also need to pay the pool for the lifeguard that is present while we play Animal Ball.
I need to get my textbooks too. I've been slacking and I haven't gotten them yet. I need to harass Chris and Michail to make sure they come to Ben's party tomorrow. Ben's apartment, I swear to God, they only have girlfriends. So the job of finding boys has been delegated to me and my roommates. So I'm trying to get Chris and Michail to bring their friends and that will be a good amount of boys.
Ummm well I think that's everything on my mind right now. I think I'll watch an episode of Castle and then try to go to sleep.
Why didn't you reply to me?!?!!!! you won't answer my calls or texts or facebook wall posts. I'm sorry about the April Fools' (however, in my defense I thought you knew me well enough to not believe me even though I said I was telling the truth).
ReplyDeletetexxtttt me hoeee