It's just one of those days, ya know. I mean, yesterday everything was fine. All I had to do was get through my chemistry test and I would be home free. It would be sunny, I would be going climbing and swimming with Erin, and I would go to Ben's highlighter party with my roommies and my lifeguards. All awesome right? No. I mean, I'm sure that by the time I'm done with class today I'll be in a fine mood. But right now, I'm pissed. This is the second time I've taken Chem 122 and I HATE IT. The first section is supposed to be easy. It IS easy. It's gas laws and thermochemistry. It's not that hard, all you need is a couple equations and you can figure almost any question out. So then why was my test today so hard? And no, it's not because I didn't study, because I did. It's because of my stupid, dumbass chemistry teacher. She has no idea what she's talking about. She constantly has to be corrected in lecture. And on the test she asked a TON of questions about things we barely touched on. And only a few questions on the things we spend MOST of our time on. Not to mention nobody could finish the test in time. NOBODY. I'm not exaggerating either. One girl left exactly at 9:50, which is when the class is over. She was the FIRST person to leave. The entire rest of the class left at 9:55, scrambling to try and finish the test. I had 2 minutes to finish an entire page of short answer questions. Even as I was walking out the teacher was still forcing people to turn in their tests. There's something wrong when you have to do that. Even in my Anatomy class (which is the hardest class I've ever taken) wasn't like that. The tests were hard, but we at least had time to finish them. On top of that, it was nice and sunny when I left my apartment and now it's cold and cloudy. I am essentially wearing a tshirt and capris. It is too cold for that. God damn our stupid freaking Washington bipolar weather. I am in such a bad mood.
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