Unrealistic. Completely unrealistic. Chuck, who is madly in love with Sarah, has been trying to get a real life with her for 2 seasons. And she finally wants a real life with him. To run away and live happily ever after. And of course I realize that the show would be over if that happened. But it is COMPLETELY unrealistic for Chuck to have ditched her. No way. No way. No way. Now they are not together anymore and I am very upset. I'm sure they'll fix it. But I need to not be stressed out because finals are coming up and I need to be able to focus and not be lost in Chuck world and how freaking stupid Chuck is. Why couldn't they just have Sarah have been on board with the Chuck spy thing. Then everyone could be a spy and Chuck and Sarah could be happy together doing spy things. Breath, Andie, breath. Goddammit. I love you Zachary Levi, and I want to marry you, but your character Chuck is PISSING ME OFF RIGHT NOW. Fix it. By the end of this episode so I can sleep and be able to study tomorrow. GAHHHHHH.
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