I hate break-ups. Obviously I haven't had a break-up recently, but one of my very close friends has. Break-ups suck ass. I mean having someone that is that close to you just leave is a huge blow. And it sucks because, as a friend, there is nothing you can do to make it better. I know because I've been there. Everyone tells you, "it's not your fault. It's his loss. He doesn't know what he's missing. He's stupid." But all you can think is, "It is my fault. It's my loss. He couldn't care less. There's something wrong with me." None of those things are true. But you won't be able to realize it until way after the fact. I hate seeing her like this. And it kills me that I can't make it better. And even though he's my friend too, I hate him for doing this to her. And I'm worried about her and what this break-up means for her. I just wish I could take away all the heartache in the world. Because it's truly the worst kind of pain.
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