1) I am the best friend kind of girl. I can't remember if I've said this or not, but I am. Boys only like me because I'm cute and easy to talk to. But I don't turn heads. And I'm too sweet to date. So I'm just done. I've said it before. But I really am. All that pursuing boys is doing for me is stressing me out and making me sad. I'm not having any more of it.
2) I need to teach myself to not care what other people think. Which, honestly, I think I used to be that way in high school. Because I remember thinking it was silly how much my sister cared. College has ruined me. All the stupid, freaking boys on this planet have crushed me so now I am constantly worried about how other people view me. It's retarded. I need to get that high school innocence back. And even though I like college better, I was pretty awesome in high school. I had 9 guys ask me out when I was a senior. Let's go back to that.
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