Monday, May 24, 2010


This weekend... well it had good and bad aspects to it. I started in Ellensburg on Friday. I always have fun in Ellensburg :) here's my favorite picture of the night. That's Scott and Adam, who are 2 of Alan's roommates. We were playing Jenga, and Jenga told us to trade clothing. So I had to trade shirts with Scott and then Scott had to trade clothes with Adam. All-in-all, without going into too much detail, I loved it.

Then Alan and I headed to Pullman to visit Nicole since she turned 21 on Sunday. Pullman was... not as fun as anticipated. It was really nice to see Nicole, but in general I didn't really enjoy myself. I'll have more fun spending time with Nicole this weekend when we go to Sunlakes. Pullman is also a ridiculous drive. It wasn't too bad because I did it in waves, but still it was REALLY hard for me to get back in the car after dropping Alan off at Central, for multiple reasons. I think it's funny that freshman year everyone at Western was trying to convince Alan to transfer to Western, and now all the Central people are trying to convince me to transfer to Central haha. Not gonna happen though. I love them, but I'll be a senior next year, and who knows how many credits will transfer. But I do sometimes wish I could just hang out with them for way longer than a weekend.

Kara's birthday was Sunday as well. So I stopped and took a break in Renton also to wish her a happy birthday. We went to dinner with my parents and then to Coldstone. Mmmmm it was yummy. Now there are only 3 weeks of class left. Can you believe it? I've got a lot of work to do, but this weekend is sunlakes, then dead week, then finals, then my birthday party, then Hawaii, then my ACTUAL 21st birthday. Oh so much fun! I'm having such a hard time focusing on classes.

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