Everything in the world has to have food may it be good food or junk food. Junck food is one of the more populare food. Most people like soda pops, hambriger, popcorn, shakes, itc. Some of the places you can get these at is at 7 eleven stores, Mcdonalds, Dariy Queen etc.Some health food nut say that you will get fat if you eat hamburgere. You will but if you just at health food al the time, your body will get to meny vitimens and you can die. Health food is a food that will give your vitemans and cleans out yore iners.Eny whay you nead junk food to get your adrental gland working. Junk food like hamburger is good food. Some people say it is bad for you or is it. I don't think it is so bad for you because you get tomatos, lettice, musterd, relish and meat. Shakes. Shakes are made out of mile, ice and aritvial flaver and suger.Some people say that fried chiken is good for you but is it. the chiken is fried in nothing but oil. It is one of my favorit food so I don't care what eny one thinkes. If it is food it is food.If you just had a candy bare out in the desert would you just throw it away hec no. If you were out on the dessert you would take one bite of it and keep it in your mouth for days.If you don't eat eny food you will die in 63 days of what is called starvation. Starvaison ocures wen you don't get enough food and you don't get eny oxegen to your bones.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Junck Food
My choir teacher read us this essay when I was in high school. It's someone's SAT or WASL essay or something. Anyways, it's awful... but so so hilarious:
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