Tomorrow I move back to Bellingham. And it's kind of bittersweet. I mean, don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Bellingham. I love Western, I love my roommates, I love my friends, I love my major, and I think I'm going to love my new job. But this summer has been the best summer of my life thus far. There was the trip to Hawaii, which was perfect. I was in paradise with all of my favorite people. My family and my best friends. I love my job at HMAC. I got to manage this year and I got to be closer to a lot of the lifeguards at the pool. This picture on the right actually is of some friends at Phil's party. My internship was fantastic. Las Vegas was perfect. Since I was 21 I was actually able to do things with my friends from work. And I flirted with a few boys.
I was feeling... melancholy. I don't know if that's the right word. I was stuck in a rut last year. I felt like I was sad a lot of the time, and I'm usually the happy optimistic one. I was having trouble with boys, I was having trouble with school, I was unhappy with work. This summer helped me set my reset button. I feel much happier, and more self-confident. Though I will NOT be pursuing any Bellingham boys this year (no offense if you're a Bellingham boy, because you make great friends, but you are shitty at anything more than that) I realize that I am desirable and I don't have to be sad about my relationship status. Things will happen for me eventually. Not with a Bellingham boy. But maybe a Seattle boy. Or any other city. I have time.
Anyways, the point of all of this is that it's been an absolutely, positively perfect summer. I wish it could last longer, but alas nothing lasts forever. Thus it is time to push forward with newfound strength and goals. Bring it on senior year.